Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to find a job in Lebanon?

Well if you’re looking to find a job in Lebanon, the process is quite similar to find a job anywhere around the world. Some would argue that the process of finding a job in Lebanon is a little bit outdated as compared to finding a job anywhere, but little by little, and especially for high qualification jobs, Lebanese companies and individuals are beginning to ride the technology waves…

Find a job in Lebanon

Find a job in Lebanon

Below you will find Nine Steps to Find a Job in Lebanon

The below steps don’t come in a particular importance order, but in order not to miss any step, you can follow them in order:

1- Start Your Job Search on steroids:

If you are looking to find a job fast, knowing that a job search is not exactly something to do fast for many reasons, you need to start spending some time organizing your job search, putting it in order, making it focused and to the point by stating what kind of job you’re looking for. This will most certainly get you a job faster that if you’re not organized or if you don’t have any plan.

2- Looking for a job online:

Nowadays, one easy way to land a job is to start looking online through companies sites, job search engine sites, networking sites, profiles and job sites. Someone looking to find a job in Lebanon should start online, and while in the process, he or she should not to forget to fill a linkedin Profile, or profiles at any site featuring jobs in Lebanon that he or she could possibly find.

3- Help in your Job Search:

If you find yourself overwhelmed, not knowing what to do or where to start, with an overload of information, relax and don’t forget that a house is built one stone at a time, and the information overload shouldn’t discourage you. On the contrary, digest as much as you can, and stay focused.

4- Job Listings:

There are tens of sites that list jobs in Lebanon. These are organized by location or skills. Do not hesitate to browse through them. Hire a Lebanese website will include s job listing section shortly, so do not hesitate to come back to check.

5- Help Wanted:

Newspapers and ad papers both online and offline have a classified section for jobs. These include a lot of employment opportunities, mainly because many local and non-local employers don’t always post their job requirements on their website or on the regular job profiles sites like Monster or Bayt.

6- Job Search Engines:

These are still not frequently used in Lebanon, and most job banks in Lebanon are not indexed by these search engines. Nonetheless, sooner or later, job search engines will become the best place to look for a job, because all jobs from all job banks and job sites can be easily caught there, without one looking for a job having to go through all sites one at a time, and each day.

7- Look in Job Fairs:

Yearly, career and job fairs are held in Lebanon, some sponsored by job sites like careerslb. These present an excellent opportunity for people looking to find a job in Lebanon, especially if they are on the verge of starting their career. More experienced individuals will most likely not benefit from these job fairs, but in the end, anyone looking for a job, whatever his or her experience or profile can visit job fairs. He or she has nothing to lose.

8- Networking:

No matter what you think, networking remains the major source to find a job in Lebanon. Most job vacancies available are caught directly by individuals through their networking potential without them even reaching the newspapers or jobs banks. This is logical since any company or company manager or human resources officer looking for an employee for a job vacancy will start by asking people around, whether people on the job, or people from his network.

9- Headhunters:

This practice has lost in popularity in Lebanon, with job sites and job profile websites taking the lead. Nonetheless, many big companies still rely on headhunters to carry the job interviewing process, and some websites are even doubled by a headhunting department.

If you’re looking for a job in Lebanon, stay tuned to our site, or better subscribe to our newsletter for a lot of insightful information and resources.

How to find a job in Lebanon?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Looking to hire Lebanese individuals

If you are looking to hire Lebanese, it's because either you are established in Lebanon, and you are looking for employees or candidates for your company or for any task you need to get accomplished, or because you have heard of Lebanese talents in a particular domain, or in a particular skill, and you are looking to hire Lebanese for your company established outside Lebanon to fulfill your job needs.

Either way, since you have found this article, it's because you are looking to hire Lebanese by looking on the internet!  Well, let's tell you beforehand that hiring Lebanese on the internet may be easy if you're looking for high-talented individuals for top positions, but if you happen to be looking for individuals "not really" in the computer world, like plumbers, or chefs or workers, you won't be able to find any Lebanese having an internet profile.

Hire Lebanese Website

This is one of the reasons the site http://www.hirealebanese.com was created.  Basically, the main objectives of the site are the following:
- To present companies looking to hire Lebanese for UPDATED profiles of Lebanese individuals looking for work
- To allow companies and individuals to hire Lebanese from any region, walk of life, or having any set of skills, not necessarily for the most advanced positions in a company hierarchy (as opposed to having the most skills and abilities in a given field)
- To allow companies to browse individuals profiles by skill, ability, and not necessarily by diploma or by experience, and to find related skills if the skill searched for is not defined

Lebanese Looking for Jobs in Lebanon or anywhere!

On the other hand, and to complete the operation of hiring / employment / job search, the site offers individuals looking for jobs in Lebanon or in any place to post their profiles and update them in the easiest fashion.  Thus, the following is available on the site:
- Individuals can post their profiles the regular way by filling forms and questionnaires
- They can import their profiles from linkedin, the world most complete professional profiles database
- Individuals can post their portfolios and related work
- Profiles of candidates non-office related and from all possible fields will be filled for them, to allow the inclusion of all skill sets in the site database.

Thus, whether you are a company looking to hire Lebanese individuals, or whether you are Lebanese individuals looking for jobs in Lebanon, a new portal has been created for you with the following advantages over other Job Portals:

For Companies:
- Possibility to find any skill set
- Updated profiles
- Categorized skills and abilities to allow the company to search profiles easily

For Individuals:
- Possibility to have someone fill their profile for them
- Possibility to import profiles filled elsewhere

For more information about Hire Lebanese Website, check the following link: